How to Make Profound And Lasting Changes for a Healthy Lifestyle
By Josee | |
Astonishingly, “How Do I Lose Weight” is entered into Google 110,000 times every month! These monthly searches really reflect the state of affairs in weight loss, as thousands of people just cannot seem to find the magic pill. And do you know why? Because it doesn’t exist! The good news is, there is a lasting solution to healthy weight loss. You can start today with these 5 simple tips for making profound and lasting changes towards permanent healthy weight loss.
Top 7 Things to Stop Tolerating
By Josee | |
Tolerations are all around us things like clutter, life imbalance, poor health habits or inappropriate behaviors. These tolerations are a drain on life energy and distract you from living a vibrant healthy life full of energy and vitality. At the root of our tolerations are a variety of limiting beliefs that immobilize us. For example: “I can’t take the time.” “That’s just the way it is.” “Don’t rock the boat—play it safe.” “Don’t complain or be too demanding.” “It’s not that important.” “I have no control.”
Is Your Life Designed To Support Wellness?
By Josee | |
Is Your Life Designed To Support Wellness? The question we are asking ourselves here is whether our own personal life, in its current state, is designed to support wellness. This requires a dual approach. We must investigate exactly what wellness is referring to.